
ACWA Power to build a 10 GW wind farm in Egypt

ACWA Power to build a 10 GW wind farm in Egypt

ACWA Power, Saudi Arabia’s energy company and power generator, signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with Egypt’s New & Renewable Energy Authority (NREA) and Egyptian Electricity Transmission (EETC) to build a 10 GW wind farm in Egypt. The wind plant is claimed to be the second-largest wind farm in the world according to the Saudi Ministry of Energy’s statement.

Egypt will be providing the necessary lands to conduct the necessary measurements and technical studies for the project in preparation for discussing the final project contracts.

ACWA Power signed a $1.5 billion contract earlier this year with Egypt’s Ministry of Electricity and Hassan Allam Holding to build the largest power plant in the Middle East. This wind power plant, which will be located in the Gulf of Suez and Gabal el Zeit area, will be providing 1.1 gigawatts of wind power and reducing the impact of 2.4 million tonnes of carbon dioxide emissions per year.

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