
Delemar to invest EGP 750m in a new factory in Sadat City

Delemar to invest EGP 750m in a new factory in Sadat City

Delemar for Aluminum is to investing EGP 750 million in a new factory in Sadat City. The building of the factory will take three years to complete.

The company had recently announced that it has built an architectural glass factory, Delemar for Processed Glass (DPG), in the Sixth of October industrial zone with an annual production capacity of 600k sqm. Delemar also plans to invest up to EGP 600 million in the factory and double or triple its capacity by next year.

Delemar plans to double its investments over the next five years, Delemar’s CEO said in a statement. The company also plans to ramp up exports to 40% this year.

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